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2005-05-01 07:44:01
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Roman Catholics United


***Behold! Elfpacks first wiki dedicated to the Roman Catholics out there! If you are catholic and wish to join, please add your name to the list of members at the bottom of this page, and don't forget to watch this page!***

Holy Eucharist auctioned on Ebay

I guess most of you have heard about the recent sacrilege of someone who auctioned a consecrated Host on ebay. The Body of Christ ought to be adored in the tabernacle not bidded for online!! If you haven't already, please take a minute to sign the online petition to ebay to include the Eucharist on its list of prohibitted items:

"Add the Eucharist to the List of Items
Prohibited for Sale on EBay"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at:

Prayer for Peace

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Prayer Requests
Questions & Answers
Inspirational Stories
Catholic Vocations
April 29


Seek and ye shall find. Shall find the inner knowledge that makes the problems of life plain. The difficulties of life are caused by disharmony in the individual. There is no discord in My Kingdom, only a something unconquered in my disciples. The rule of my kingdom is perfect order, perfect harmony, perfect supply, perfect love, perfect honesty, perfect obedience - all power, all conquest, all success. But so often my survents lack power, conquest, success, harmony, and I think I fail in my promises because these are not manifest in their lives. These are but the outward manafestations that result from the obedience, honesty, love, order - and they come, not in answer to urgent prayer, but naturally as light results from a lighted candle.


The Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit he was born of the Virgin Mary,
 and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered
died and was buried.
On the third day he rose again in fulfilment of the Scriptures;
 he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

Hail Holy Queen

Hail holy queen mother of mercy
our life our sweetness and our hope
To you we cry poor abandoned childern of Eve
To you we send up our sighs
Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears
Turn thy most gracious advocate eyes of mercy towards us
And after this our exhile
Show us the blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus
O clement O loving O sweet virgin Mary
Pray for us oh holy mother of God so that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ

1.) [Lioness123]
2.) [Mr. Werewolf]
3.) [the_puetzj]
4.) [apologies glances and messed up chances]
5.) [Eryn.]

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2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: well i was just sayin...i know how you feel about the Catholic church....i was just making the preemptive

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: well, it was unappreciated...and unnecessary…do it again and I will have something to say...

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: whatever

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: don't "whatever" me started it...i had nothing to say, so i said "way to be"...there was no need for you to comment back other than to maybe explain a little about your Knights of Camilot thing job is...

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: your not worth arguing with

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: and you're not worth putting up with...

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: Well, I will. The Knights of Columbus are a group of men started by Fr. McGivney some years ago. They offer insurance to the wives and if their husbands die, the group usually helps supports them as well. Also, they give a lot of money to Childrens Hospitals, the Popes Airfair, Vocations, people in need in there own community and the likes. They are a great bunch and are world wide.

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: good its settled then

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: if you are not going to explain some things here, thus the purpose of this wiki last i checked, then shut're not helping your cause...

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: thank you [Tesa]...that was all i wanted to know...sounds nice....too bad [Frosty French Fry] was too much of an asshole to simply explain that to me

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: And it's not knights of Camilot, it's Knights of Columbus=P

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: same thing...(^_-) do they get to sit at a round table too? (^_^) *is joking around, don't get pissy*

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: ya thats me im just an asshole....

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: Oh your very welcome. And...My dad was a Knight of Columbus, so wasn't my Grandpappy....they are going to sponsor me to fly to Ann Arbor in the summer!! *yay*

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: Be back later! You two be nice! I need to eat!=D

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: LOL! Actually, they do sit at a round Table at Big Convention Meetings. But, I don't think I'm suppose to know that, I'm a girl! =D

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: its different at every meeting...thats all i can say

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: is it, like, a secret sociaty that you can't talk about [Frosty French Fry]?

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: i can to a certain i can tell you that charity is our main not really sure what all is secret or im not gonna say much until i talk to my dad

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]:*rolls eyes*...i'm listening to Metallica's enter sandman right now...woot!

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: I do know that some of the things are secret, because it is THERE group, not ours. So, yeah. I don't mind....doesn't even phase me! =D

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: their* group...and i can't say i exactly care...sounds gay to me

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: well its not gay

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: Please RaineDrop! They are GREAT people and do wonderful things. I'll say no more, but they are far from gay.....

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: sounds like they are trying to be helpful, in a very gay way to me

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: What the duce?? .....what ever, they are the best of men and fathers and husbands to me...*shrugs* I guess I didn't explain it well enough.

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: my BF is catholic...and if he ever joined such a thing i would kill him myself

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: =O Why?! Omgah...RainDrop, they aren't CRAZY. Just some of the things they talk about are kept secret! So what!

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: i wouldn't want him in such a thing...glad my he isn't overly fond of catholics either

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: That's quite rude don't even know what they are about! Look at the site for more info, and please...if you any further comments, be nice about it....

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: no thanks...i doing like "secret orginizations"...they are just coverups for brainwashing, not matter what they are for, catholic or not

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: Brainwashing?....*sigh* Alright then,

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: Wow....5 days untill I go visit the Convent....*grin* I can't wait!!....<(^__^)>

2005-01-31 [Lioness123]: I would never make a good nun...I like guys too much ;)

2005-01-31 [Tesa]: Not nuns Lioness....sisters......and lol, I do like guys too!! *cracks up*

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: i like boys...*giggles* i like to throw rocks at them!

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: haha

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: muhahahaha! BOYS ARE STUPID! STUPID I TELL YOU!!! *falls out of chair*

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: fascinating...and yet you love one

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: *shouts from the floor, feet still up in the air* AND HE IS STUPID! STUPID I TELL YOU! XD

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: haha..o..k..then

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: naw, i love him...i really do...but that doesn't mean boys aren't icky...(^_^)

2005-01-31 [the_puetzj]: well and who says girls aren't icky and stupid in their way

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: boys have coodies!

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: so do girls

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: nu-uh! boys have them! girls only get them if a boy gives them to her!

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: wrong...girls give them to boys then boys spread them to other boys through football and stuff and it becomes uncontrolable

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: all started with boys!

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: nope

2005-01-31 [Lioness123]: well, my boyfriend is bootylicious *giggles like crazy*

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: *chokes on pop*

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: my BF has the BEST bod...*drools* and the tightest little ass....oh god it's fine

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: im leaving now

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe...*dreams about Eli* i wonder if he ever says such things about me...not, like, about my ass since it's not tight or fine...but i wonder if he thinks i'm drool-worthy

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: i say you are

2005-01-31 [the_puetzj]: yeah i'm not sure id put it exactly that way but u are hot especially with that new pic

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: oh, thank you...(^_^)....but i don't think Eli finds me all that atractive

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: bs

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: no...really...i don't think he does....

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: well hes blind then

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: or there are just better girls around him...(which i know there are) and i just *can't* live up to them

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: so what if there are....if he truly loves you he wont care if your beautiful or not, but you are and you know it

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: no...i'm not...*sighs* and he knows it...even with "true love" there has to be SOME physical attraction between the two...and i don't think he thinks i'm all that atractiv....i mean, comeon...who wants to date a chubby chick with no boobs...

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: yes you are......and your not chubby.....for fucks sake

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: i am TOO chubby! my mother has put me on another diet i'm so fat

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: thats your problem...your mom thinks you are and she is destroying your self confidence....your not are beautiful.....

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: *tears* no...really...i'm not...i AM chuddy...i can see it, i can feel it...

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: *sigh* no your are really skinny....not anorexic but skinny enough.

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: you *can't* be skinny enough though...and i'm not...i'm mother showed me the chart...

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: your moms a fuckin dick then.....

2005-01-31 [the_puetzj]: you know Rainedrop you should really learn to accept compliments as people usually act like they are worth 5 times their weight in gold (no pun intended)

2005-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: i....i have to go...i'm supposed to be working out right now anyways and my mom will be mad if she comes home and sees me on my fat ass....

2005-01-31 [Frosty French Fry]: oh for fucks sake

2005-01-31 [the_puetzj]: my mom will be to im supposed to be doin the dishes

2005-02-01 [Tesa]: Gosh guys!! I wish you'd all stop swearing and talking about your behinds and the likes!! THIS IS A CATHOLIC WIKI after all!! >< Meh! *falls over*

2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: catholics cuss...

2005-02-01 [Tesa]: So what! I don't like cussing no matter WHAT Religion you are. Am I the only one who likes clean speach?....*sigh*...

2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: yes...i think you are....

2005-02-01 [Tesa]: Well then, *shrugs* I still don't like it.

2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: well, you were all like, "THIS IS A CATHOLIC WIKI!!!" and i was like, so what? catholics swear, so do everyone else...this wiki being anything shouldn't matter...unless it's an "anti-cussin' wiki" there really is no point...though i try to limit mine a bit here

2005-02-01 [Tesa]: Thanks. Because Catholics DO try for the most part to keep the bag lango down. THAT and it's breaking one of the commandments. I mean, yeah, I've sworn, I'm no saint. But I don't go off and such...

2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: are the only one,...maybe lioness...but the guys here cuss like sailors...and catholics *don't* try...i know...i know a LOT of catholics...they cuss while IN church...

2005-02-01 [Tesa]: Then they are only CEO's and don't take their Faith Sereously and it's really disgusting. Cussing in God's house is just, gosh that just BUGS ME! 

2005-02-01 [the_puetzj]: can one of u girls do me a favor and tell me if all the pics are showin in my profile there should be five

2005-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: only two of them are showing... :/

2005-02-02 [Frosty French Fry]: NEW RAP POSTED....FINALLY!!!

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: the pope is in the hospital...

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Teri, what have you against CEO's? When I get older I want to head my own company, are you saying I can't be a good Catholic at the same time? I don't really swear, I sometimes say crap but that's as far as I go usually.

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i like CEOs personally...they work harder than people give them credit for....and you do know the pope is in the hospital right?

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: What organization of Catholics meets in the basements of Protestant churches? Alcoholics Anonymous! Sorry, I couldn't resist. My history teacher told me that one today.

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: no worries over the 84 year old pope in the hospital with the flu? i thought someone would care a *little*....

2005-02-02 [Tesa]: *slaps hand against face* No...I meant CEO as an inside joke. Christmas Easter Only. I'm sorry to have gotten you all upset...*sigh....*......

2005-02-02 [Frosty French Fry]: well i do care

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: finally...*rolls eyes* i thought i was the only one even mildly concerned and i was about to start killing myself

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Aww, I certainly do care about the Pope's condition. I heard them say that it's just a precaution so I hope it's not too serious.

2005-02-02 [Tesa]: I CARE TOO! He is in my prayers every day RaineDrop...

2005-02-02 [Tesa]: Were very lucky to have such a Holy man as our Leader. If I become a sister I am choosing his name as one of my three!!^o^

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Everyone, you can now type in RCU in the wiki-search and there's a link to the wiki since I just got tired of typing the whole dag thing out.

2005-02-02 [Tesa]: Ohh...sweetness! I just WATCH the wiki=D

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Oh, I don't because there is so much talking it's practically useless to watch it.

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...makes life easier...or make a note...note the page and have it "show on every page" sho that it would always be on the right of your screen with all your message info

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: Ooh! Good idea! I got this idea from my friend [Analeyin] who did it with Real Virgin Pride, you can just type in RVP and it's the same concept here.

2005-02-02 [Tesa]: Yay!!! She's so nice,

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: *nods* i know...i use that more in just commenting than anything, like the UAR...since i use that one around alot...

2005-02-02 [Frosty French Fry]: personally i like KFC.....ATT is a good one....MCI too

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: The next thing we need is a refresh link above in the we can click on it to keep up with conversations.

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: you have one of those on the top of your internet screen you know, and if you just watch the page, and keep clicking back to your house, you will get a message on the right of the screen every time a comment is made here that you can click and it will take you right here

2005-02-02 [Mr. Werewolf]: I have CCD tonight! Our priest is filling in for my teacher who is on sabbatical. Can anyone guess what CCD means? I just found out yesterday. It stands for "Christian Conformity Doctrine" (the youth wing of the Catholic propaganda department)...just an interesting tidbit of information ^_^

2005-02-03 [Mr. Werewolf]: We talked about Mary for the most part, and then we prayed the Rosary. Can you believe out of seven kids only about three of us knew the Hail Mary? Our priest says it too fast though, the line "blessed art thou among women" kind of came out from me like a "blessed awama bwa" (that's actually a pretty good representation). Hmm, we learned a lot about symbolism in icon and religious art which I'll have to look more into. It's really interesting!

2005-02-03 [Tesa]: I VERY much DISLIKE it when people pray fast. Because if you listen to the prayers, it really means something. It's not just a useless BABLE! *meh* I love the Rosary....Sounds like you had a great class, [Mr. Werewolf]! I too had CYA, (Catholic Youth Assc.) same as CCD! =D We learned about death, 'after life', Purgatory, Heaven and Hell. It was good.....^__^

2005-02-03 [the_puetzj]: alright i changed some stuff can someone please check my profile and tell me if the pics are showin

2005-02-03 [Tesa]: Sure!!^^

2005-02-03 [Mr. Werewolf]: Oh, we're just focusing on the Creed and we take a different line each night I think. This night we were focusing on Mary and Jesus's birth. Mary is such an important figure in the Church and I'm surprised that our classes don't focus on her more. But this covered a lot of it. Does anyone have the Catholic Faith Handbook? It's a GREAT resource for Catholics, I highly recommend it. We were supplied with them and we get to keep them. As much as I love the class, I can't wait until we get to take them home after the class is over.

2005-02-03 [Tesa]: NO WAY! The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth?! Or just Handbook??? I USE THE SAME THING! And were doing the Creed too, but tonight was on death and such. It was sssuuuuppppppeeeeeerrrrrr cool! *grin* I get to keep mine now since I am the only one who studies out of it! Eeee!! Mary IS a big person. She's our mother and the likes. They SHOULD focus lots on her. She plays an immportant role. Not the biggest, but a big part nonetheless. *nods*

2005-02-03 [Mr. Werewolf]: Yeah, for youth.

2005-02-04 [Tesa]: Well...good bye all!! See you next week. Wish me luck with the sisters! Gosh, I'm so excited yet so over whelmed! *falls over* Bye!!! *hugs room*

2005-02-04 [Lioness123]: I'm so glad people are getting along better in here!

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: because i'm not talking...i have been resisting...

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: ditto

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: *pokes big pimp* you must resist the dark side...use the force luke!!!

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: haha *pokes RaineDrop with a hot french fry*

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: OW! MY EYE! (o.x)!!!

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: i didnt say your eye...i was trying to be half way nice

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: is my responce to being friends like to poke me in school right? well, they will, say, poke me in the side, and i will squeak, then hold my eye and go *OH MY EYE!"...i'm just odd like that...(^_^)

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: haha....i do that too...thats great

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: muhahaha~ i also love to pin my friends on the floor and poke my eyeball...they *hate* that...hheeheheheheh

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: can pin me....hmm.......wait a second

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: *covers mouth and fake gasps* big pimp! not *here* this is a godly place....*winks*

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: i have always wanted to d........................on second thought...your right *winks*

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: (O.O) LOL!!

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: you silly boy

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: *looks around innocently*

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: i'm innocent...*hallo flickers a little*

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: *points to his halo...the horns are just for looks..*

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, my horns make my halo tilt a little

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: its hard to keep it balanced on those points

2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: *nods* i know...i sprout my devilhorns and my halo always gets knocked off!

2005-02-04 [Frosty French Fry]: haha

2005-02-04 [Mr. Werewolf]: Has anybody heard about Pepsi's new can design? It's a patriotic theme with the Pledge of Allegiance on the side, but they left out the words "under God" because they didn't want to offend anybody. Some people are planning a big boycott. I'm glad I drink Coke, because I certainly don't want to offend anyone at Pepsi with my money, which has the words "In God We Trust" printed on it.

2005-02-05 [Bad Stone]: seperation of church and state, get used to it.

2005-02-05 [Frosty French Fry]: well fuck seperation of church and state....

2005-02-05 [Frosty French Fry]: its BS

2005-02-05 [Mr. Werewolf]: I am of course not objected to the separation of church and state, as long as the right to religion is protected...religious groups will always work to promote their values and morals which will keep the government always under control of religion and it's virtues...but the fact is that there are a lot of allusions to God in America...and who do the Pepsi people think they are to make changes to the Pledge of Allegiance, only the courts can do that.

2005-02-05 [Mr. Werewolf]: Don't get me wrong, I think that in a perfect world everyone would be part of a united Christian religion, with a compassionate religious government that always did the right thing and a media that promoted morals, virtue, and religious values. However, under the circumstances...

2005-02-05 [Frosty French Fry]: hahaha

2005-02-05 [Bad Stone]: the pledge doesnt mean shit anymore, I dont have to say it in school, its hardly said at all. the court DID change it, I'm not saying I agree I'm just saying its NOT going to change.

2005-02-05 [Frosty French Fry]: its not going too either....this country is so f***ed up

2005-02-05 [Mr. Werewolf]: Our entire school says it each day first thing in the morning. I think each American should say it every day. We live in a great country and only an ingrate idiot could think otherwise in my opinion, unless they've been screwed over by the system. America is a Christian country and always will be, partly because it's been rooted in its foundations when it was created and also because of the faith of its people.

2005-02-05 [Frosty French Fry]: Well first off im not an idiot but i dont think our country is all that great...If i were too list the things wrong it would take all night...i mean yes they are plenty things that Americans have that many many other countries dont have..but everything is so corrupt

2005-02-05 [Bad Stone]: you must be Bill O'Reilly's best friend lol, he's Catholic as well...but I don't think he believes everything the Catholic Churchs says...I need to read that book and find out, he's really angry at the pope too...its interesting, funny guy...

2005-02-05 [Mr. Werewolf]: Why is Bill O'Reilly mad at the Pope? I've heard about his show but I've never watched it. I don't really watch tv that much. But I think that the problem that America has is that there is too much immorality, divorce, obesity, and selfishness.

2005-02-05 [Bad Stone]: so does he, no he's angry at the pope for not telling us how to defeat terrorism, he tells us not to go to war, but gives no other advice. He's just frustrated thats all.

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: seperation of church and state works for me...coke sucks...drink pepsi

2005-02-07 [Bad Stone]: I am now, they are giving away itunes music!

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: woot! i can't stand coke, and just because it doesn't pointlessly say "under god" on the can doesn't mean i will stop drinking could have the picture of a pinis on it and i would still drink it

2005-02-07 [Bad Stone]: well I'm drinking pepsi now, they are giving away free itunes songs! yaH!

2005-02-08 [Mr. Werewolf]: I've always liked Coke, but I like Sierra Mist a lot which is made by Pepsi.

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: Meh, that's sad. We take God out of every thing to make every one feel quote *better* when really God is the only one who can make us whole. Odd....*sighs*.....

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: thats YOUR oppinion, not everyones, but it is odd considering that 90% of the population claims they beleive in God or a god, but it seems that countries including our own are making exceptions for the few and deprive the majority, in EVERYTHING and its seriously starting to piss me off...

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: Yeah, it's not cool. But it's true, we need God, we just don't want to admit it. Might make us 'Oh Self Strong Human beings seem weak!' It's stupid, we forget the main object in life.

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: oh, that is how it has always been...we always bend over backwards to oppease the the gays...they are 10% or less of the population...*shakes head* i say screw the minority...let them be offended and make a stink over something that doesn't *matter*...i will be waiting for them with a metal baseball bat...(^_^)

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: if we go socialist I'll go make myown country, you dont GO anywhere when everything is averaged out, no one has any motevation to work harder. 

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: no, not that...i think you should apease the magority of people, not the minority...if 90% of the people are fine with god being on a pepsi can, then why listen to the 10% that bitch?

2005-02-08 [Mr. Werewolf]: I agree, although some socialist measures are beneficial, like social security, workers compensation, and free public health care. But the economy should be privately run, free-market, and free-enterprise.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: thats what I mean, its all like trying to even it out, make 'everyone' happy when really, your only making the minority happy, its all Laissez Farie, and I hate it, its so frustrating! And the supreme court has so much power, you know they made up the whole 'seperation of church and state' thing, they can change anything they want, but they wont limit their own power but no one can stop it, what great checks and balances huh?

2005-02-08 [Mr. Werewolf]: I think that the majority should hold the power, but the minority should be protected from exploitation. In some countries, a 20% or less minority holds the power (mostly ex-European colonies). That isn't right either (forgot to finish my thought lol)

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: the world is fucked...thus why i plan to die in a spray of bullets after going on a homicidal rampage...

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: and europian countries, unless all of them are like that...which I seriously hope is NOT true, yes not explotated but geesh...some stuff that goes on in this countries and others is so ridiculous

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: *blinks* Well, what ever Holy Mother Church says, I can most likely stand by! *laughs* I am SO NOT good with that kind of stuff. Fair is all I can see, Fair and Catholic, *nods*....yep,

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: RaineDrop! You don't want to die, and killing one's self is the worse sin ever.....You can't just give up because you loose hope or feel meaningless, don't ever give up for any thing.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: you need to watch the news some stuff that goes on in politics will make you that angry...

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i gave up on your corupt church, and man's, i plan to die young, but happy, by killing the people that annoy me so much

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: HEY! I *do* watch the news, read newspapers, don't assume I don't. Just because I don't flip out on every little thing doesn't make me stupid. I just like to try and be calm and see the better of things. Like every one should....

2005-02-08 [Mr. Werewolf]: My best friend tried to kill herself, and luckily she didn't succeed and it didn't make it better for her or anybody. Oh RaineDrop, your cat's house is great. It made me smile lol.

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: Oh Gosh, you need to *study* the church, and study it with people who LOVE the church, and who are not against it. You only get one side that way, and that indeed is not open minded.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: ahhh newspapers! i cant stand newspapers! even though I write for much written news these days are SO liberal, its like we live in france or canada...well yes, but sometimes it really can be so annoying, its just your kitties ARE adorable *hugs the cats* I like the fluffy persian-looking cat!

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: you only know what the church tells you and the church won't tell you how corupt they are...and thanks werewolf...i love my kitty!! (^_^)

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: teri a man who was a preist at a church in a city near me was just convicted of all child rape and abuse charges, not saying he represts you but that is ALL people SEE of your church, I dont believe in it anyways, but really, no one wants to be a part of that.

2005-02-08 [Mr. Werewolf]: No problem!

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: You and the *corupt* church idea, is really bugging me. Have you ever even STUDIED the church from our Church? From the inside rather then the outside? Why does the Church bother you so much? Because her rules are sound and just and at many times hard? And yes, I go by Holy Mother Church, and will for ever. They don't need to tell me how corupt they are, because they are not. How can you think that so many leanred men of SCIENCE and OTHER BIG THINGS would just give them selves to lies, to nothing but the devils' wishes? Why would they put their life on the line as well as others to a straight trip to hell? For money? That's a lame thing to say, with out money Mother Church would still be.

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: Well, that's because they are just weird. Not JUST the Catholic church has had these BAD BAD things happen. It's just because the Catholic's our so strong and just...very powerful with words and teachings that they choose to put us down.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: why would believing in the Catholic church send you to hell? most who dont believe in the catholic church dont believe in hell, well I dont anyways...its just a nice idea that people get punished...ugh I dont believe that happens

2005-02-08 [Mr. Werewolf]: Stereotypes can sometimes weigh heavily on people's opinions. I got into an argument with some people this summer about sex and how it should wait, and that some people go for their whole lives without it (refering to priests, nuns, etc.) and they laughed because they though of the recent scandals. I think that it's horrible that some do that, but not all do it. The great majority do take their vows seriously.

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: hahah! i have looked at the church from all angles, unlike have only looked at it from the inside, where they will not admit to being dumb are you that you think that listenting to *them* you will get only what they want you to believe

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: no its cause people hate you, not me, others, but see your a MAJORITY therefore it doesnt MATTER what you think, what matters is the louder MINORITY, see? doesnt this country make SO much sense?

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: hope you can tell I am DRIPPING with sarcasim

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: LOL! I HAVE looked at ALL ANGLES! GOSH! I say that ALL THE TIME and yet you refuse to believe me. *sigh* God has given me the gift of Faith to believe in the church he set down. I will believe in them, and your words of direspect to the church, my home, will never sway me. And I am in no way dumb, not the smartest, but certainly not dumb.

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: Most people in the Catholic Church do not believe in hell? Then they are not Catholics.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: no hun ,other way round, those who arent catholics probably dont believe in hell

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: What?! Well yeah, a lot of people who aren't Catholic don't believe in hell.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: whats the "what" for?

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: I didn't really under stand what you were talking about.... *confused look* That's all.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: oh....uh it had to do with you talking about the church leading people to hell, but if they were catholics (who are leading them there) they probably dont believe in I making sense now? its hard to explian I guess...

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: the church sucks...that's move on...(^_^) religion is the problem with sociaty today

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: depends...

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: The church is NOT leading people to HELL! I just ASKED if that is what every one thinks! Because if they do, it's wrong. And I meant those who *do* respect the church to be followers of Mother Church. And RaineDrop, stop saying the CHURCH SUCKS. If you don't like it so much, make your own anti-catholic wiki.

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: thats not what I meant *sigh* I was quoting you who was mocking (well, for lack of better word) raine...geesh, calm down teri lol, I wasnt saying that, you did, but not in that context

2005-02-08 [Tesa]: Well, don't make one....but...yeah, just stop because it's offending us Catholics. You know?

2005-02-08 [Bad Stone]: I dont even believe in hell, so frankly no one is leading anyone to heaven hell or whatever else there is

2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i was going to, but someone beat me too it...(^_^)...i think i will join though

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